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The Pepper Barrel

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Fuzzy's Butt Burnin' Hot Sauce

Fuzzy's Butt Burnin' Hot Sauce

Friends and loved ones often refer to my relationship with hot sauce as “an addiction”. While I’ve certainly admitted to as much on this very blog, perhaps serving to reinforce their opinion, I hadn’t really considered myself addicted to hot sauce. Not really. Granted, I eat A LOT of it, and I enjoy it a great deal. But when NOT eating it I hadn’t generally caught myself obsessively thinking about when next I would have the opportunity to do so. 

That was before I was introduced to Fuzzy’s Butt Burnin’ Hot Sauce from Fuzzy’s Taco Shopand came to understand what hot sauce addiction really is. And yes, now I can readily admit that I have an addiction to hot sauce in general, and Fuzzy’s in particular. Fuzzy’s Butt Burnin’ Hot Sauce is an addiction, and the folks at Fuzzy’s certainly know it. When I logged onto their website at www.fuzzystacoshop.com to learn more about their products for this blog entry, the first thing I saw emblazoned across their splash screen were the words “WELCOME TO YOUR NEW ADDICTION.”

Touché, Fuzzy’s. Well played.

Fuzzy's Taco Shop is a popular, award-winning fast-casual restaurant with a Baja-style Mexican menu. Established in 2001 in Fort Worth, Texas, a change of ownership a few years later intended to broaden the Fuzzy’s menu and grow the brand resulted in an expanding franchise with well over 100 locations across 15 states. Unfortunately none of them are near me.

Thankfully my friend Lindsay (@geekgirlco) came to the rescue. During frequent online discussions about favorite hot sauces, Lindsay has faithfully advocated for her favorite go-to taco joint and their signature “Butt Burnin Hot Sauce”. Living not far from a Fuzzy’s location Lindsay generously purchased a couple bottles of this spicy magic and shipped them to me as a delightful surprise to my mailbox. This officially makes Lindsay not only my friend, but my hot sauce pusher. Did I mention that I’m a hot sauce addict?


So what is it about this particular hot sauce that has gained such a following? As a signature condiment for Baja cuisine Fuzzy’s Butt Burnin’ Hot Sauce straddles the line between American and Mexican pepper based condiments. Like many popular American hot sauces this one is cayenne based, with a vinegar blend. But in this case Fuzzy’s has discreetly measured the vinegar to minimize the pungency and let the characteristics of the cayenne pepper show through. This is then mixed with a combination of garlic, salt, paprika and other spices to make it a perfect complement to traditional Mexican-style cuisine, including tacos (of course), nachos, quesadillas, etc. And it doesn’t end there. Not only does the modest cayenne heat profile make this a perfect sauce for spicy food neophytes, but the deliciously tantalizing, yet non-intrusive flavor signature is an excellent way to elevate a broad range of dishes, including steaks, burgers, pastas, eggs, potatoes, and yes….even breakfast cereals. In fact, the very first thought I had when I first opened my bottle of Fuzzy’s Butt Burnin’ Hot Sauce was “Hmm, I wonder what this tastes like on Honey Nut Cheerios.” (spoilers - it’s delicious).

So, now that’s a thing. Thank you, Fuzzy’s.

Obviously I love this hot sauce, and I whole-heartedly recommended it without reservation to any hot sauce newcomers or long time chili pepper enthusiasts alike. However I’m not placing this one on "My Short List" because Fuzzy’s has already found a spot on it with one of their other, slightly hotter hot sauces. But that review is for later. In the meantime if you want to learn more about Fuzzy’s Taco Shop you can find them online at www.fuzzystacoshop.com, or follow them on Twitter at twitter.com/fuzzystacoshop. And if you want to enjoy your own bottle of Fuzzy’s Butt Burnin’ Hot Sauce but don’t live near any of their many locations you can purchase directly from their online store at www.fuzzysstuff.com.

You can also follow my friend Lindsay on Twitter at twitter.com/geekgirlco. She’s creative, witty, and generous. But don’t expect any more free bottles of hot sauce from her. She likes me better than you.

Are you among the many fans of Fuzzy's Taco Shop? Share some thoughts about your own hot sauce addiction in the comments below.

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