Downtime for Updates
I've been away from the blog for a little while tending to other matters. But I definitely did not take a break from hot sauce. Just as before, hot sauce has continued to be a fundamental component of my daily routine. So I've continued to sample new flavors and brands of sauce each week during my downtime, and have taken detailed notes in preparation for posting a bunch of upcoming product reviews.
On that note, not all of what I've been sampling has been hot sauce. Paying close attention to the ever broadening reach of our beloved pepper plants expanding into other areas of the food & beverage market, I will be peppering this hot sauce review site with an occasional "NOT sauce" product review.
But that's not all. I've also been working behind the scenes to expand the site a little bit. Just a nip here and a tuck there, but overall trying to make the site more functional and easier to use. Some changes will be subtle and immediate. Other changes will be just a little bit more expansive and will roll out in the coming months, with the intention a making our little hot sauce home on the internet a more fun and enticing place to visit, whether you're a hot sauce vendor, a hardcore pepper enthusiast, or if like me you're on a hot sauce bucket list journey of discovery, and loving every minute of it.
Thanks for stopping by. See you again real soon.